Fee Structure

Fertility – Initial Acupuncture Consultation & Treatment $155
For new patients to focus on Fertility – IVF/ART Support & Preparation or Natural Fertility Support.
Appointment will include a comprehensive diagnosis from a Chinese Medicine perspective, your first treatment and dietary, lifestyle and supplement advice.

Fertility – Follow Up Acupuncture Consultation & Treatment $105
For existing patients to focus on IVF/ART Support and Preparation or Natural Fertility Support.

Pregnancy – Initial Acupuncture Consultation & Treatment $135
Common conditions include support in first trimester, morning sickness, musculoskeletal pain (including pelvic pain), digestive issues (including constipation and indigestion), fatigue, insomnia, breech presentation and labour preparation (from 35 weeks).

Pregnancy – Follow Up Acupuncture Consultation & Treatment $105
For existing patients focused on supporting pregnancy related conditions and health.

General – Initial Acupuncture Consultation & Treatment $135
For new patients not related to fertility or pregnancy.
Common conditions include hormonal health, sleep and digestive issues, emotional health, pain management.

General – Follow Up Acupuncture Consultation & Treatment $105
For existing patients not related to fertility or pregnancy.
Common conditions include hormonal health, sleep and digestive issues, emotional health, pain management.

IUI or IVF Support Consultation & Treatment – Pre/Post Transfer or Egg Retrieval $105
New patients are welcome to book this treatment, however, should note that the full Fertility Consultation is not included. Please book “Initial Consultation” if this is what you’re looking for (allowing for more time).
For new patients, please time your appointments around the following guidelines:
* Pre Embryo Transfer Treatment: within 2 days of the transfer.
* Post Embryo Transfer Treatment: within the hour immediately after a transfer.
* Pre Egg Retrieval Treatment: within 3 days of retrieval.
Existing patients will be guided individually on timing for these treatments. Our recommendation and preference (based on research**) is to prepare you with a series of weekly acupuncture treatments for the 3 months leading into an IVF cycle. However, we recognise that this isn’t always possible and sometimes people find us mid treatment cycle or may just come to us from out of town etc… We will welcome you at any stage.
If you are unable to find suitable appointment availability (or would like more information), please call the clinic on 0466 331 737 and we’ll ensure to fit you in.
** Smith, C.A., et al., Acupuncture performed around the time of embryo transfer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Reprod Biomed Online, 2019. 38(3): p. 364-379.
** Xie, Z.Y., et al., The effects of acupuncture on pregnancy outcomes of in vitro fertilization: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Complement Altern Med, 2019. 19(1): p. 131
** Smith, C., M. Coyle, and R.J. Norman, Influence of acupuncture stimulation on pregnancy rates for women undergoing embryo transfer. Fertil Steril, 2006. 85(5): p. 1352-8.